"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



Suicide and paranoia

Psychiatry. A profession where you deal with a persons mind and psyche. It’s not just caring for a wound, a disease or something you can operate and it’s fixed. I think it’s hard! But man, it is; interresting, excitng, challenging. How to react? What is the right answer? Do I need to, or should I give an answer?

These three weeks at school we are learning about many mental sufferings, how to recognize it, how to react on it, ways of treatment, ways to help the family and many other things. And from the last week of October and for eight weeks, I’m going to be practicing in a home for older people with psychosis!

We’ve been at school for two weeks now, and it’s been nice to be back, to see classmates and to get back to everyday life here in Oslo. My room is nice, have just enough space for my self. I’m starting to get used to not having a TV and have started to listen to the radio instead:) One thing that is a little annoying about having a quite small room, is that I have to keep it in order with clothes and things all the time, and if just a few things are not in place, it looks like a mess. But I manage:)

After school today we had a workshop about different cultures. We were split into to groups/cultures. I came from a patriarchal culture, which means the man was over the women and that I had the power. We were a warm and touching culture, that talked a lot and was very social. Then groups of five went to visit the other culture, and groups came to us to visit, and if a woman tried to contact me I got mad and just went away. I was the one that had to show interest first. It was a very interresting day and we learned a lot about that we had to adapt their culture to be accepted and to be open to new things and not try to force our culture and world-view on them. And yes, the trip back to Africa and to Malawi is getting closer!! In two weeks we’ll be there:D Another blog about that next week:)

Going to bed now. Peace out from Oslo:)

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