"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



Days of FUN!

The last two days have been really long and REALLY fun!


Friday morning me, Blake and his youngest daughter Kerstin hit the road at 6 in the morning to get a long good day in Disneyland. And that was how the day turned out to be:D Here some pictures from that day:)



                              The hero!




The pictures do not tell much of how fun the day was, since it was mostly roller coasters.

Universal Studios

Today I "bumped" into Finni at Universal Studios and some friends of his, so I went there together with them:D What a small world! The main attraction there is the Studio tour, a tour around to see the different outdoor scenes they uses for different movies and series. Some of you might recognize the cars used in "The Fast And The Furious - Tokyo Drift", the "New York-street" or the neighborhood where Gabrielle Solis, Bree Van De Kamp and the rest of the Desperate Housewives lives. We also saw a real plane crashed, to be used in movies!


The pictures above was how they filmed one of the scenes in "The Fast And The Furious - Tokyo Drift".



DSCN6180 DSCN6186


 DSCN6198DSCN6196 This car was used in Blues Brothers!

4 kommentarer:

Ingrid's blog sa...

Såååå heldig du e!!:)
Ser ut som noen fantastiske dager!

Klem fra Ingrid

Marte sa...

Kjære Per. Her kommer ei liste over positive kommentara:

1. Du e SÅ flink å oppdatere bloggen din! Well done!

2. Har du vært i Disneyland!! Saiiikomoro!!

3. Du e jo brun som få!!

4. Du oppleve verden - good for you!

Ka kan e si Per? Du e en heldig litn gris! Ha ei KANON tid dei siste dagane da du;) Vi snakkes i sommer!:D

Line sa...

Steik so gøy det såg ut :) Ej e misunnelig da, kan du sei ;D

Aina Marie sa...

åh, guri malla - blir nesten (men bare ensten) litt småsjalu her jeg sitter. Ser ut som om du har det knallmorro!

kos de videre med de siste ukene :-)

Varm og god juniklem fra Aina Marie