"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

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Holidays and 17. mai-celebration!

Since last time I've had some awesome days. It started with 100% relaxation in Fort Wayne last Monday, I slept long, and enjoyed doing nothing at all.

On Wednesday I continued to Madison, to visit Finni for a few days. It became some really nice and fun days! On Thursday morning Becky, a college and friend of Finni, picked us up at Finni's place and we went to Milwaukee to watch a baseball game between Milwaukee Brewers and Los Angeles Dodgers. A very interesting thing we saw were all the people that was having a bbq on the parking lot outside the arena before the game. The game by the way, did not have many highlights in the six first rounds, so we left, and even then some people were grilling outside, so they just went there to grill!

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Becky had done some research on things we could do around IMG_5970Milwaukee, so we decided to go to The Jelly Belly beans-factory:D We tasted some of the beans, and I can personally not recommend rotten eggs, vomit and booger. But there was a lot of good tastes!! DSCN5275

In the afternoon we went for a walk along the water until we found a fireplace where we sat down to enjoy the fresh air. And Finni found a piece of red-hot charcoal, and he managed to make fire out of it, so we had a small bonfire.


On Friday Becky lent Finni her car, so me and him went to a really nice place that is called Devils Lake. It's a place with forest, bluffs and a lake and it was so nice to just come out there and chill. In the evening we went to a friend of Finni's place to have a bbq and hang out, a really nice time with a bunch of cool people!



    Hipp Hurra for 17. mai!!

Finni did some research about where we could go to celebrate 17.DSCN5398 mai, and we found a town called Stoughton where they celebrate for the whole weekend closest to May 17th. Me, Finni, Becky, Grete and Dustin took off early in the morning to reach all the program we wanted. It became a very nice day with a lot of Norwegian things in it:) We watched the parade, ate brown cheese on a waffle-heart and lefse and we watched some really good dancers dance Norwegian folk-dances. And many had put on bunaden for the day. 

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2 kommentarer:

Kay Amund sa...

såg bra ut me me 17-mai i USA!
Skulla hatt litt mer tradisjonell norsk Dans heime me :P hehe

Spennede å høre fra Houston;)

Aina Marie sa...

wow Per!

det var jo en nasjonaldag med mer action enn hca jeg var utfor i alle fall. Godt du har hatt noen gode dager med avslapping og diverse.

Tenker på deg rett som det er!

Ønsker deg en god helg:-)