"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)




Since last time I wrote, I've traveled to Los Angeles! On my way I had a stop over in Phoenix, Arizona, and I read that Grand Canyon (my #1 place I want to see) was in that state, so I started to look for that kind of scenery. And there was something that could remind you of it:)


The plans changed a little bit, so instead of Disneyland today, me and Blake went to Hollywood and Santa Monica Beach! I'll let the pictures tell the rest.





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And after a long day it's good to end with some relaxing time in the jacuzzi in the backyard:)

4 kommentarer:

Line sa...

Åh! :D Ditta såg hærlig ut ;D

Line sa...

Hehe, ser no ut som du he fått dej en opplevelse uansett :) - kjendisa eller ikkje :P

Anonym sa...

Kongebilder, Per! :D Jeg vil også til Hollywood!!!

Kay Amund sa...

Film e herlig!
Til og me møttte du na Captein Jack Sparrow? hehe

Blir kjekt å møte dej igjen om en måne å få høre alle historiene fra USA:)