"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



A small world

I had a very nice weekend! On Friday we had a café and a guy called Josh Garrels had a concert, and our own house band was warming up for him.

Josh Garrels

On Saturday I met a friend and ex-college from FOCUS Uganda. Norway and Uganda, meeting in Chicago, I will say we live in a quite small world. Nicholas lives in Wheaton, one of Chicago’s suburbs, together with his wife Sylvia and studies something on the university over 1,5 years. It was so good to see them both again! Sylvia had to go to work, so me and Nicholas went around at the campus area, and we took a tour in the Billy Graham museum.
It was so interesting to talk about culture-differences and shocks, and totally understand each other:) He had to go to work too, so we didn’t spend very much time together, but I will go back in the first weekend of May. And then we are going to see the closet from the Narnia-movies:)

I could really feel the spring in Wheaton, as you can see, eating ice cream and wearing only t-shirt outside. (for me it was a little to cold to drop the sweater though)

The alley I cross to come from my room to the main building

2 kommentarer:

Aina Marie sa...


Har du møtt Nicholas! Kult!! Hils masse til han når du møter han igjen!

Ellers håper jeg du får en god uke videre!


Ingrid's blog sa...

ååå, Aina har allerede skreve akkurat d eg hadde tenkt å skrive, ja, ja :)

Hb du har d bra!
Ber for deg!:)
