"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

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Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



“As a Man thinks in his heart, so is he”

Proverbs ...:....

From Monday to Thursday we were at Gerenge at a ChildrensCamp for the oldest children at Mulago ChildProject and Kamodya ChildProject and the theme was Proverbs :.

At Sunday evening I was not looking forward to this, because Infield ended at Sunday afternoon, and I had to repack and then leave at Monday again. (You may wonder why I haven’t written that I had to wash? I gave the dirty clothes to the housemaid).
At the Camp I was given tasks at the camp, I was Bibelstudyleader, and one of the MC. (An MC starts a session, introduces the speaker and what what…)

But it was good to come to Gerenge. I had some really nice days. The youths are so fun to be with.

Since Ragnhild made a list, I want to make a list over things at the Camp.

- We had to wake up at 6am!
- Lake Victoria was lovely and it was really fun to play with the youngest youths in the water!
- The food was all right
- My group dramatized Genesis 37:1-10 and I had to speak luganda
- I learned how to broil chapatis
- The speakers were good
- The MC’s were the best

With five words: Some Great days after all!

2 kommentarer:

Marit sa...

Måtte berre sei d per at du e drit go i engelsk, bli berre meir å meir imponert!!!;) Nyt livet, her i bergen e oss oppe i godt over 80 regnversdaga...:(

Anonym sa...

Kjekt å lese litt her ein sein laurdag.

Jakob e i seng og pizzen fortært,no skal oss slappe oss før det e sengetid.

Kos deg videre i Afriken. No e det visst Hidalgo som står for tur, TVN film..