"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

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Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



Leadership Summit 2006

This weekend about 150 – 200 students were gathered at FOCUS Training & Camping Centre located by the lakeshore of Lake Victoria. It was a weekend I looked forward to with something we in Norwegian call “skrekkblanda fryd”, (Fear mixed with joy). Fear: The toilets were just holes in the ground, and my stomach was acting funny last week, so I feared that it would be that way in the weekend as well, and unfortunately it was. I had to make friend with that hole and the strong smell of “hjortesalt” that hit me every time I went into the toilet. The other thing I feared was the mornings; we had to get up at 5:30 am. Joy: All the students gathered, the meetings, the worship, to swim in the lake and the good fellowship and the good spirit among everybody!
All in all it became a really good weekend! It was so good to get away from the city and the pollution and meet all the students. The worship-part was maybe the most interesting. The Africans are crazy when it comes to worshiping. I’m used to stand still, maybe clap or put my hand in the air and sing. The Africans are dancing, jumping, clapping, running around, and singing.
Surprisingly we got the opportunity to lead a bible study group each, every morning! But it went well; my group-members were good to answer the questions that the brilliant leader asked them. I’m sure of that we, because of the leader, were the best group. As you read this, put your hands together for the leader! (ME!)

On Saturday we got visitors from Norway! Kathrine and Anne-Margrete were in town to meet Eivind and some friends of Kathrine. So they took a taxi out to Gerenge to say hi and hang out. It was good to see them again and hear how they’re doing.
Sunday was just closure day, and “Team Norway” went to town a little earlier to meet the other Norwegians. And that afternoon it was really good to get the message about that we had the day off on Monday!

Another thing I learned was to drink tea. We got tea for breakfast, we had tea break twice a day and we got tea for lunch and supper. And a thing I taught someone was Ligretto! They really enjoyed the game, and finally I won several timesJ PS Marte and Aina Marie! Or others (Steinar)! Please don’t come with any comments about that I won because they were newbie’s. Please let me have this joy.

Some of th students

Breakfast, one cup of tea, one egg and one smultring

An eveningmeeting

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hei Per.
Takk for hilsen på bloggen. Kjekt å se på din blogg og dine bilder også. Godt å høre at Aina Marie er likt og er sammen med greie folk. Turen til Victoriasjøen høres ut som har vært bra for dere. Håper all streik på universitetene tar en slutt også.
Hilsen fra Kaja (Kajaq)

Anonym sa...

Hei lillebror!
Du he en super blogg. kjempekjekt å kunne følge med på ka du styra med i afrika. starter alltid dagen på jobb med en liten tur innom bloggen din for å sjå om der e nåkke nytt! litt misunnelig på alt du fær oppleve... Oss savna dej her heime. Oskar vil gjerne sende dej en KJEMPEklem!!!! I morga sende ho mamma julepakken til dej. Håpe du blir fornøgde:-) Skal sende dej en mail snart med litt bilder av Oskar og dykker-Anne.
Håpe magen stabiliserer sej snart! Store klem frå Anne

Anonym sa...

Hei Per!!
Susa live avgåde i Afrika? Nyt livet!! Gøy å lese om korsen du he det!!
Tenkt nåkke på ferie eller, hadde vør kjempegøy å føre på safari la me dej/dåkke... ej og Lars e i gang med planlegging...Oss tenke på safari med teltovernatting ette nyttår..
Sende dej en mail når ej veit litt meir... (hallodame@hotmail.com)
Men da må du kose dej videre...danse nåkken afrikanske rytme og juble over livet!!! Stor klem frå Hildepia!

Marte sa...

Kjaere Per.
Gleda skal du faa beholde - e e stolt over d!
Beklager at e til stadighet e saa frekk! Innerst inne e e veldi gla i d. Saadessaa":P
Kos d videre aa hils amigos i bushn:D

Stor klem fra Marte:)

nina sa...

hello per!! må innrømme at det er en smule vanskelig å komme i julestemning i 30 varmegrader... men vi har i alle fall laga adventskalender!! det blir stas!! så da får jeg bare si GOD JUL!!! klem fra nina:) ps:hils folka!!