First of all; how wonderful and amazing the nature can be when it is almost not influensed by us humans at all!! Everything works together. God knew what he was doing when he created everything! And what a fantasy he has!!
We had 3 good meals, and a snack out in the bush during the game-drive. The food was excellent:D
Thursday and Friday morning we got up at 5.00am to eat breakfast and we were in the park at six. We drove around in the park for four hours and that first drive we spotted many animals;
Grey heron, just finished a meal
After four hours of driving we went back to the camp to relax by the pool in the sun, with some meal-breaks, before the afternoon- and nightdrive.
On the next drive we spotted many of the same animals, but not only “old” ones;
“Where the hyena is, the leopard is not far away”.
After a nice break in the sunset we continued, and now we were looking for the night animals.
On our way from the beach we had had the break we spotted 8 elephants heading over to the river to get across.
After driving around our driver said: “I’ve spotted the lions!” We found them and drove after and around them for about 30 minutes putting the spotlight on them so we could see. And they didn’t seem to mind. While one of the females where laying down our car was just on her side, so we sat 1,5 meter from her!!
The next morning started with a monkey-show:
When we found the lions today they had just eaten a buffalo. Note the bloody faces!
Other animals and birds we saw:
After we went back to see the lions, and a herd of Buffalos:
Since we didn’t see the giraff in the park, one of them payd us a visit at the camp:) Giraff, check:D
We could “check out” all animals we wanted to see, and the days had been so nice at the camp too :D So, everything was perfect!
Now we’re back in Malawi and Lilongwe. I went for a walk and I found my self comparing this place to my African home, Kampala, Uganda. And it’s so different! A man warned me about the traffic..tell me about it, I know how they drive in Africa. But it was nothing compared to Kampala. Here are so few people walking along the road, so few small shops selling airtime or sodas or other small things, no bod-bodas and not taxis everywhere. And when I found these things, I felt kind of a relief.
We will be on a camp until tomorrow before we will go to Mzuzu and start our practical studies in a hospital there! We don’t know what we are going to do yet, so we are all very excited to see what the coming weeks will bring. Stay tuned for more news from Malawi!!
3 kommentarer:
Nydeleg, Per!
Hei onkel reisende Per!
Fantastiske bilder! Du e bra heldige som fær oppleve so mykje spennende, og sjå so mange tøffe, rare og skumle dyr! Oskar og John gler sej til du kjøme heimgjen og kan fortelle meir om dyrene i Afrika:) Regna med dei neste vekene blir minst like spennende og opplevelseserike. Oss sjekka bloggen kvar dag, spente på om du he lagt ut nye bilder og historier.
Her heime he hausten komt, med regn og kalde vind. Begge gutane e litt forkjøla, so d he vør ei rolig, men innholdsrike helg. Fredag skaut Alex sin første hjort! Gjett om jegern va kry;) Laurdag va d formiddagsbesøk på Nordstranda og ettemiddagsbesøk med oldisane. På kvelden kom Tuva og Jakob på overnattingsbesøk. Jakob bestilte tomatsuppe til kvelds og pannekaker til frokost. Og d fekk han so klart! Alex brukte laurdagen til å få på resten av låvetaket. D blei meget bra!
John starta søndag kl 5.15 og en halvtime seinere våkna Tuva oxo, so då va d berre å bjønde på pannekake-frokosten. Kl 8 kledde oss på oss og rusla ned i fjøra først, og so bort på nabogården for å mate høner, kaniner og griser. Seinere va d fårikål-middag heime med ho mor, med iskake til dessert. Ei fine helg!
Håpe du fær ei fine veke i Mzuzu! Spent på å høyre om arbeidsoppgåvene dine der. Pass godt på dej sjøl! Klem frå storesøsta, Oskar, John og Alex
Kult! Dokke fikk jo se så mange spennede dyr! Heftig action med blod på tann! :)
E har henta posten din for første gang! Der va jammen mange postbokse!! :O
Kos d videre!! Stor klem :)
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