"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



A sip of Wayne’s Coffee

The winter has for real come to Oslo now. The weather forcast says –5 to –15 degrees celcius this weekend. Last week five girls in my class went to Malawi, to work at the same places as me and my group did. To warm, friendly Malawi where they sit 4 people on three seats in the bus.

But, I’m here, in chilly Oslo. So theses days a warm cup of coffee is  very welcome, both for throat and hands! And on Sunday I discovered a newly opened Wayne’s Coffee not far from where I live:) So I went home, grabbed a book I’m reading and went back. A nice, cozy place with good coffee and delicious cheesecakes. Will definitively go back there! (went back on Tuesday actually, tried a cookie with the coffee, mmmm!)


One month ‘til Christmas Eve today! Or, it’s not much left of this day, but as I write, it’s still 24th. 3,5 more weeks of working with mental health. For many this is a time of handing in papers and/or exams. Good luck to you who are in one of them or in both groups! Me, have no exams. No papers.

More pictures from Wayne’s Coffee at Ramdom pictures

1 kommentar:

mamma sa...

Koselig at nokon ville gi deg ein TV. Veit du ikkje kven det er? Hadde ei fin og "adventsfull" helg. Laurdag var det barnefrokost her med heile gjengen. Vi for så ned til Roald og kjøpte kakao, tobolalodd,tende julegran, gjekk rundt, og fekk godteripose med julenissen. I går var det julegate i Molovegen i lag med Linda og lysmesse i kyrkja om kvelden. Skikkeleg stemning :). Ønskjer deg ei god veke.