"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



The weekend

Friday was the waiting day. First we waited three hours for Sam who should come and pick us up. Then we waited 45 minutes at the office before we got some information about what work we will do and how the weeks will be. I will work together with a guy called Daniel, a nice young man. After the meeting we went to Makarere University with Daniel. On the way we went trough the slum, and many of the kids shouted “mosongo” after us. It wasn’t a nice sight and it smelled badly.

At Saturday we woke up very early, the mosque just over the road from our house starts to pray around 5 am and keeps it going for 10 minutes or so. Quite irritating that early in the morning. This day we participated in the child program at FOCUS. We didn’t have any responsibilities today; we just observed the different activities and classes. The kids live in the slum and FOCUS wants to give them a chance to get a better life. It was very interesting! In my class they learned some new English words, about life-skills, sexuality and they had some bible study. In the breaks we played with the kids, games they knew, and football. I got a friend called Michael, a cute little boy at 7 years:o) I learned some Luganda from the boys in my class, and I teached them some Norwegian. It was a really nice and interesting day, though a little hard because all the kids wanted us to join their games all the time. But I really look forward to next Saturday; I think those days will be like a refill after a maybe hard week.

At Sunday we went to a service in the church where Sam uses to go. It was very different from what I’m used to, but I think this service applied more to me than the service at home. We’ve some program later this afternoon, but I’m not sure what it is.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

No va det godt å få vite meir om korleis dåkke he d! Det høyres ut til å kunne bli både kjekt og lærerikt. Men som ei mamma skal, so må ej sei: Ta godt vare på kvarandre, og ver gode medarbeidarar for dei dåkke kjem i kontakt med! Skal ha forening i kveld, og skal ta dåkke med i bønn. Kjempeklem frå mamsen

Anonym sa...

kjekt at du endeli fekk oppdatert!
hørest spennende ut dette altso!
lånte kjellar støva di litt her en dag!
ska helse so masse frå alle!