"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a....

Monday evening Audrey took Team Kampala to KPC to see the Christmas-cantata. I wish you could see it too! It was SO good!!

On both sides of the scene there was trees with lights, in the middle they had made a stable and a manger and the choir was placed in back. Right before it started the room was totally dark, only the lights from the trees was on, and that made me realize….It’s Christmas!

It opened with some songs all sang together, than a children choir, which were really good, sang some songs, before the actors and the KPC choir entered the stage.

While the choir, consisting of 190 singers, sang songs, the gospel of Christmas was presented in between. The songs were so nice and I’ve never been to a better Christmas play than this. I wish I could just fly down next year to see it, and you can’t say: “But you’ve seen it before! Won’t it be boring to see it this year as well” No! Because the play is never the same, and the songs are new every year! I’m jealous of you that have the opportunity to watch it every year. I got chills down my back while I sat there. It can’t be described with words; you have to see it to realize how good it was! But I will buy the CD with the songs from the play, so next Christmas I can give you people back home a taste of what I experienced.

It’s Christmas on Sunday! Right? I’m not sure how the evening will be yet. But if we’re not going to the village, we will go to the girls’ house and they will make rice-porridge with “mandel”! On Christmas day I’m not sure what will happen. It will a interesting week!

I wish you ALL a Merry Christmas!! Wherever you are:)

To my family: Share my portion of the Christmas dinner. Don’t let daddy take everything...

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Hei vennen!
Skal nok ikkje la far i huset få alt, nei! Vi har handla inn ribbe så ej trur det skal halde! No "atteleta" oss fole på pakken, oss e inne og sjekka fleire gonga for dag, men håpet minkar...
Du får trøste deg med at du ventar på nåkke kjekt (oss e litt redd for at den ska sjå so kjekk ut at den kjøme vekk). Godt at du fekk ei flott oppleving! Det e ikkje så lett å finne julestemninga her heller, grøne plena, vind og regn. Men vi får satse på innandørs stemning! Sakna dej....

Anonym sa...

endeli ferie, ferdi me julegåvine!
fekk 4 på matta:O aldri trudd,
hekje høl i tennene mine lenger, he fått juleklæ og he sett love actually so ej e igrunn klar te jul ej då:D
og d e no igrunn bra, for no e no d igrunn jul me:D
kjøme te å savne dej masse på julafta, og ej kjøme te å savne snop innhandlinga vår, d e liksom sann tradisjon standar kvart år. men no fer no ej bestemme ka oss ska kjøpe:D
savna dej bror min!
(d e sann new updates ting so kjøme opp om nedlasting ting fra java, ska ej berre laste ne?)
Klem frå ho Ragna

taisotsubo sa...

Hi Per!
How are you??
Nice to see your blog!! =)
Merry Christmas for all of you!!

Anonym sa...

kule helsing da:D
he akkurat vør på julebord, d va kjempe kosli me masse go mat:D

Natalie sa...

God Jul da Per!
Kosli helsing frå Uganda, d virka veldi spennende!


Anonym sa...

God jul kjære Per !
Klokka er 07.50, sit å les igjenn korleis du har det.Det var leit at posten svikta, håper den dukker opp neste år.Her er det fortsatt vått og mildt, men med fint pynta inne kjem stemninga.Ragna og Bentemor har virkelig laga stemning.Men vi sakner guten vår.Du fer virkelig syge inn den opplevinga du har der nede,så fer du ta igjenn det tradisjonelle her.
Du må helse God Jul til dei rundt deg frå oss! Snakkast ! Fattern.