"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



Hard start!

I’ve realized that I relaxed too much over the Christmas-break..These two weeks at school since I came back to Oslo has been soo hard!! The first week we got a lot of information, we had quite boring lessons about how to gather information, how to do the documentation-part and theories on good nursing. I should also have read many pages and done some preparation for this week. I tried my best, and did some of the tasks we were given and some of the reading. But we had some very interresting lessons too, for example about working with people that they know are dying pretty soon.

Now I’ve started my eight weeks long practice-period in a nursing-home! I had my first day at work today, and it will be eight busy weeks! I’m going to work about 30 hours a week, and in addition we have some papers that we have to hand in and curriculum to read! But I’m looking forward! Will be exciting and interresting:D

Have a good week!

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

D va på tide med en oppdatering på bloggen! Blir spennende å høyre korleis d gjenge ettekvart på gamleheimen. Regna med du blir en favoritt med dei gamle oslo-fruene! D e hardt å studere, men du fær berre stå på.
Oskar, pappa og ej kjøme ned på dagstur til Oslo søndag 22.mars. Gler oss til å treffe dej! Håpe du oxo fær ei fine veke.
Skal helse so mykje frå Oskar;-)
Klem frå største storesøsta med diger kul på magen

Ragna life In Oljebyen sa...

Ja d va jammen på tide me oppdatering!
Trur nokk du klare dissa vekene her bra ej. Ti du kjem å besøka mej nu da?

Ragna life In Oljebyen sa...

Må du ta å oppdatere litt her du!