"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)



Slush and other things

Weather. The one thing it is safe to talk about to anyone. I guess I was a little too early to think that “the spring is on his way”, this year.. This past January we’ve had a lot less snow then the two past years, actually, I don’t think we got any new snow this January, only low temperatures and blue skies. I’ve even heard the birds singing! But this past week the snow has returned, but it’s not too cold, so now everything is wet, and there are small ponds everywhere. Yeah, snow can be nice, but now it’s like being home, too wet. Well, February is short, and next month is the first of the three so called spring-months. Then the snow will go away. Hopefully.

Since I know that the time is running, I’ve started to look for a place too stay from June. Have to move out from my room during the summer, since this place is for students only. And yes, if you red between the lines, I’ll finish my studies this spring! So I have to move. But no one will come up to me and give me a great offer on a nice apartment. I have to look for my self. So here I sit, looking on price, place, space, pictures and a lot of other things that I have to consider.


Frustration. Questions. Time. Things. School. Where? When? Alone?

1 kommentar:

mamma sa...

Hei kjære Per!
Lots on your mind I see. Du måkje gå heilt i surr av all tenkjinga, men eg skjønar at det er mange bestemmelsar å ta.
ENDELEG er her strålande blå himmel og sol, så får vi berre halde ut med iskald nordavind. Alt er betre enn vind og sludd og regn og mørke. Skal kose oss med John til i morgon ettermiddag :)
Ha ei fin helg! Gler oss til vinterferien og besøk både først og sist.