I might have written this before. Have to write it again anyway. I might write it again sometime in the future too.
I’m thinking about my future. My dreams. Are they the same as God’s dreams for me? I hope He will open my heart, so I can see His plans for me.
For many many years I’ve been dreaming about living in a small village somewhere in the UK. Why? Don’t really know, just seems cozy.
All since the first time I visited my relatives in the US in the small town La Crosse, on the shores of Mississippi, I’ve been thinking and dreaming about living there for a while. Love that place! I’ve also been thinking that it would be nice to live in Chicago. Doing something related to health, maybe directed into poor people.
But most of all I’m thinking that from when I’m finishing the studies, life will be on hold in a way, until I’m moving to somewhere in Africa for a year or two, to work with something related to health and mission. Sounds very exciting to me. But I know that God’s plans for are so so much more exciting than I can imagine! And again and again I’m thinking about how exciting my last 5-6 years have been, and how I’ve been able to do something I love, both for fun and for God, traveling. How much more shouldn’t I look with excitement into the furture!!
And of corse I’m thinking about when I should settle and get my own family. But do I have to settle before I can get my own family? No, not really. A friend ones told me that the dreams absolutely don’t have to stop when I get a family, then I will have the joy of having someone to share them with and dream together with!
Just had to get it out before I went to sleep. It’s 3.25 in the morning. Glad I don’t have any plans tomorrow/today! Except church in the evening:)