"Gud har sagt: Jeg slipper deg ikke og svikter deg ikke." Heb. 13.5

Welcome to my blog!

Here you can read about me and my
life as a nurse and
how my life turns out when I try to let
God lead me:)




Since I have my weekend today and tomorrow, and going to work Saturday and Sunday, I thought I could have an extra good breakfast today:)

So I took the bacon I had left from when I made pancakes the other day,  and made one bread with BL and red bell pepper, one with brown cheese and a cup of tea! Yummy!


I feel this can become a very lazy day, I don’t feel like doing any reading or other school-work today.. Think I will just save my energy until I’m going to spend time with the kids at the after-school program this afternoon.

Have a good day!!

4 kommentarer:

Marielle sa...

Enig der! Lurt å gjær MINST mulig på sånne daga.. I ska vaske kle idag.. å kaaanskje læse litt sjukepleiedokumentasjon.. men d gjenstår å sjå:P

Mari sa...

Yammy! Vi må få til en real helgefrokost når e kommer hjem fra France ;)Det tror e visst e skylde deg!

faith sa...

yammy!!! that looks so delicious! i miss the brown cheese!!! oh!

Anonym sa...

Per, you are the most updated blogger I know from the islands outside Ålesund these days.. well done!